Rotary Club of Rosemount was chartered in 2009. We are an active club that prides itself on our local service projects, our annual “Irish for A Day Soiree” fundraising event and our strong spirit of fellowship and fun. We are part of Rotary International, which is a worldwide organization comprised of more than 1.2 million business, professional, and community leaders in more than 32,000 Rotary Clubs in 200+ countries and geographical areas.  Clubs are nonpolitical, nonreligious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds.

While local service is a passion of our members, our work has a global reach. We have a mentor program with Rosemount High School called STRIVE in which many of our members participate. Our club has also adopted Central Park in Rosemount, regularly completes projects for the Rosemount Family Resource Center, hosts an annual food drive, assists senior citizens with fall yard work, completes monthly service events around the Twin Cities and has provided funds and resources for projects in Bolivia, Gambia and beyond!

STRIVE is Just One Part of Rosemount Rotary
Our STRIVE mentors wake up early to meet with their mentees, and to make a lasting impact on students whose personal struggles exceed comprehension. Our mentors grow with the students, and they celebrate high school graduations each year for students who will recall their STRIVE experiences with fondness as they set and meet goals.  This is Rosemount Rotary.  But it is so much more.
Here are just a few other examples of what we do:
  • Student of the Month-The club invites a senior from RHS, chosen by the school, to be honored each month from September-May as the Rosemount Rotary Student of the Month
  • Kody’s Closet-Rotary has purchased a cabinet and stocks it with person hygiene items at RHS for students in need
  • Rotary Ethics program serving juniors and seniors from RHS-in the fall Rotarians host an Ethics Workshop for approximately 60 students from RHS. The day consists of learning about ethics and participating in an ethics simulation.
  • Rosemount Rotary supports 360 Communities in a variety of ways
    • Rosemount Family Resource Center Nite to Unite-sponsor and host a picnic (with a bounce house)
    • Donate dollars to the Rosemount Family Resource Center during MN Food Share Month
    • Purchase a table at the Fire and Ice Gala
    • Adopt a family for Armful of Love-shop for gifts and wrap at our holiday gathering
    • Fund the "Explore Your Dream Fund," , which funds youth access to extra-curricular activities and activities during school breaks
  • Leprechaun Days Parade-decorate a car or float and walk in the parade
  • Leprechaun Days Park Clean Up-clean up Central Park after the Leprechaun Days fireworks
  • Rotary Youth Exchange-host an inbound high school exchange student for 10 months. Identify host families, welcome the student into the club
  • Rotary Youth Exchange-sponsor an outbound student from Rosemount who wishes to participate in the Rotary Youth Exchange abroad.
  • Sponsor Students to attend "Camp-E," a camp designed to teach students about entrepreneurship and ethics, hosted by the Edina Rotary Club.
The Rotary Club of Rosemount’s membership includes many community and business leaders who supply our club with lots of great information and connections. We are involved with a number of community events and enjoy a wide variety of speakers during our weekly meeting that provide professional, personal and community development offerings to our membership.

Our weekly meetings, fellowship options, service projects and more allow you to get to know the great people who are part of our club!

Guests are always welcome, and if you are considering joining our club, we'd love to see you! We meet 7:30 a.m. on Wednesday (except for the second week of the month) at The Rosemount (Senior Living at The Steeple Center). Visit our calendar for details.